GitHub Mass-Release Downloader
A very simple .NET utility whose purpose is to download every release asset from a GitHub repository, I put it together quickly to download and update files on my homebrew mirror. You can find the latest release here.
Published by gnmmarechal on
A very simple .NET utility whose purpose is to download every release asset from a GitHub repository, I put it together quickly to download and update files on my homebrew mirror. You can find the latest release here.
Downloads every release from a project.
0 forks.
0 stars.
0 open issues.
Recent commits:
Recently, I got a 3D-printed, ATTiny85-based handbrake for my PC. It works perfectly for the majority of the games I played, and is a fraction of the cost of a proper, progressive handbrake. Granted, it’s Read more…
Aaand here it is, the beauty of the hydra that is free, open-source software – a fork of Yuzu has been born to continue the work of its predecessor. It currently has no available official Read more…
Quite simply - a crafting calculator for the game ArcheAge, supporting optimal path calculation, and including Auction House profit, profit/labour and total labour costs, as well as proficiency labour reduction support.