Author: d0k3
Original Thread: GBATemp
Original Repository: GitHub
Other Repositories: VPGS.PRO Mirror/VPGS.PRO Mirror Backup
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
GodMode9 is a full access file browser for the Nintendo 3DS console, giving you access to your SD card and to the FAT partitons inside your SysNAND and EmuNAND. As of now, you can copy, delete, rename files and create folders. A write permission system prevents you from doing dangerous stuff without noticing. SafeMode9 is a build of this program that restricts access to content as to prevent changing potentially dangerous parts of the NAND.
GodMode9 20180222223521 (v1.6.0)
GodMode9 20180102013100 (v1.5.1)
GodMode9 20171229163701 (v1.5.0)
GodMode9 20171014100440 (v1.4.3)
GodMode9 20170924103051 (v1.4.2)
GodMode9 20170922014039 (v1.4.1)