Corbenik CFW Updater: RE is the successor and replacement for Corbenik CFW Updater and Skeith CFW Updater. This tool is used to update to either the latest
Corbenik CFW stable release or the latest Skeith CFW nightly release. This requires you to have installed either
Corbenik or Skeith CFW beforehand (one that supports the Unix-like directory structure), or nothing at all, as it is capable of doing a fresh install.
Due to the small amount of people who use an older release of Corbenik/Skeith, the directory migration function hasn't been included here.
As such, a standalone migration app will be released at a later date.
This release supports BGMs, and just like with its predecessor, a BGM Edition will be included. You can have a custom BGM though. Check the README
at the official GitHub page (here) for details.
The app can't auto-update itself (yet). If a bootstrapper update is required, an error will be thrown, and you'll be prompted to update (via Homebr3w or FBI, for example).
Note: The version number shown below is for the bootstrapper script CIA, not the actual updater script.
To refresh the devmode script manually, press this button:
Forth public release. Removes the Nintendo 3DS banner and replaces it with the Homebrew one on startup.
☆v1.0.3 - 2Third public release. Adds a minor check before executing the downloaded script. Not necessary to update if you have v1.0.2 (as shown by release level 2). Officially released alongside CURE v1.2.0R2 (which brought 11.2 fresh installation of Corbenik/Skeith).
☆v1.0.2 - 2Second public release. Supports Devmode. Supports REL level 2 (CURE 1.1.0), which includes Devmode support, minor bugfixes and fresh installation support.
☆v1.0.1 - 1Initial Public Release. Thanks to Crystal the Glaceon for all the help!
☆v1.0.3R2 CIA(No :())
☆v1.0.3 CIA(No :())
☆v1.0.2 CIA(No :())
☆v1.0.1 CIA(No :())